Managing emotions, stress-free
Mastery is the art of welcoming every experience and emotion, then distilling it into wisdom.
Aysseline de Lardemelle
Update: 30 January 2024
- 1 hour 30
- General public
- Learn how to manage your emotions and reduce stress and anxiety with this online training course. Simple techniques and practical tools will help you better manage your emotions and live more serenely.
Training objectives
In this training course, you will learn how to :
- Be aware of the emotions that are hidden behind the all-purpose word "stress".
- Define your internal state and take the right low- and high-energy elevators out of stress.
- Use the 3 appropriate levers to positively influence your emotions.
- Make the most of Chinese energy philosophy to improve your stress management.
- Use the 5 winning strategies to regain positive energy at work.