Overcoming the 2 traps that undermine trust
Never love anyone who treats you like you're ordinary.
Oscar Wide

Update: 23 January 2024
- 20 minutes
- General public
- Learn to recognize the traps that undermine self-confidence: normalization and parenting. Free yourself from these 2 saboteurs and regain control of your choices.
Training objectives
In this online course, you will learn how to:
- Understand the two traps that undermine self-confidence: normalization and parental attitude.
- Avoid excessive normalization and the unconscious tendency to force oneself to resemble others for better integration.
- Build self-confidence to express your uniqueness, creativity, and take initiatives.
- Not be influenced by the parental attitude of some people who try to control, advise, or assist us without being asked.
- Overcome the traps of normalization and parental attitude by turning away from dependency to choose personal responsibility.
- Not let anyone make us dependent on them and not make others dependent on us.