Overcome doubts and internal conflicts
The judge within us is no more lucid than the others, even if his voice is sometimes louder. The Master in us makes no judgments.
Aysseline de Lardemelle

Update: 30 January 2024
- 25 minutes
- General public
- Analyze the mechanisms of your inner conflicts. Identify with hindsight the different aspects of yourself that are expressed in doubt and hesitation. Make measured, well-informed decisions with detachment and benevolence.
Training objectives
In this training course, you will learn how to :
- Manage internal conflicts: hesitations, doubts, value conflicts, self-criticism...
- Discover the best decision-making support strategies
- Understand the mechanism of our internal struggles and clarify what's at play within oneself during an internal conflict
- Listen to and recognize the aspects of oneself that are in opposition and those that tend to have the final say
- Reflect on their arguments, which are supposedly rational but often emotional
- Make measured decisions beyond hesitations, reservations, doubts, and internal conflicts.