Recognition at work: a lever for well-being and motivation
Recognition feeds anyone who has not yet reached the holy grail of self-esteem. About 99% of humans.
Aysseline de Lardemelle
Update: 26 January 2024
- 15 minutes
- General public
- Give plenty of signs of recognition at work. In the form of rewarding words, gifts, special moments, services rendered and non-verbal signs.
Training objectives
In this training course, you will learn how to :
- Motivate colleagues and peers using the 5 signs of appreciation inspired by G. Chapman.
- Demonstrate gratitude at work through "valuable words" and positive "non-verbal cues."
- Offer "gifts" such as flexible working hours, flexibility, training, cross-functional tasks, visibility, and opportunities to represent the company...
- Create "special moments" such as one-on-one meetings, coffee breaks, team events, and quality meetings.
- Promote "services rendered" between colleagues to encourage generosity and mutual aid.