Release accumulated pressure in the body and mind
As long as we cultivate stressful thoughts and negative emotions, we will put our wonderful bodies under tension. We will need to regularly release this tension, until that radiant day when we stop generating it.
Aysseline de Lardemelle

Update: 30 January 2024
- 20 minutes
- General public
- Release the accumulated pressure in your body by following these three essential tips: release emotional tension, "ex-press" physical tension and take care of your body.
Training objectives
In this training course, you will learn how to :
- Release emotional tension to alleviate accumulated stress.
- Dare to nap and achieve optimal physical comfort at work.
- Express and externalize emotional and physical pressure.
- Use the practice of the emotional wheel to release emotions.
- Alleviate body tension through movements, stretches, and a healthy lifestyle.
- Release limiting beliefs and thoughts to better release the tensions they generate.